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Rabu, 14 November 2018

Mempersiapkan Wawancara Konseling Karyawan di Tempat Kerja

Berlawanan dengan kesan yang tampaknya diberikan oleh buku-buku teks manajemen, wawancara konseling tidaklah mudah. Pertemuan one-on-one ini memiliki lima sasaran, yang tercantum di bawah ini:

1. Menangkan kesepakatan dengan karyawan bahwa ada kebutuhan untuk perubahan.
2. Identifikasi penyebab masalah.
3. Sepakati tindakan spesifik yang akan diambil karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya.
4. Tindak lanjuti secara rutin dengan karyawan tersebut untuk memastikan bahwa dia mencapai tujuan yang telah Anda berdua tetapkan.
5. Hargai pencapaian karyawan yang telah berubah untuk memperkuat kelanjutan proses menuju perubahan perilaku yang benar.

Selama wawancara Anda, ada masalah keenam yang harus Anda tangani juga. Itu tidak sering disebutkan, tetapi ini penting. Anda harus membuat kepastian apakah usaha itu benar-benar sepadan. Anda tidak hanya harus mempertimbangkan masalah rekam jejak karyawan dengan perusahaan Anda, motivasi dan kesediaannya untuk berubah dan bernilai bagi organisasi (telenta individu yang dapat diberikan kepada departemen jika dia bekerja sesuai standar atau lebih tinggi), tetapi juga lama  waktu yang dihabiskan untuk konseling individu.

Jika masalah dengan karyawan sangat dalam sehingga Anda secara jujur meragukan Anda akan berhasil, atau jika konseling akan menuntut lebih banyak usaha daripada Anda memiliki waktu untuk memberi dan Anda tahu Anda tidak akan menindaklanjuti untuk melihat apakah karyawan benar-benar berusaha untuk mengubah kinerjanya, maka mungkin lebih baik untuk mempertimbangkan dua pilihan Anda yang lain sebelum menginvestasikan terlalu banyak waktu dalam konseling tatap muka : memilih memutasikan karyawan ke area lain didalam organisasi Anda di mana orang ini dapat bekerja lebih efektif, atau menghentikannya. Paling tidak, Anda mungkin ingin mempersingkat waktu yang Anda berikan untuk konseling dari katakanlah, dua bulan hingga satu bulan. Dan jika tidak ada perbaikan, maka Anda dapat menghentikannya.

Sebagian besar perusahaan tidak menentukan banyaknya jumlah konseling yang diperlukan sebelum surat peringatan dikeluarkan atau karyawan dihentikan. Pilihannya biasanya bergantung Anda, Anda harus mendiskusikan latar belakang karyawan tersebut dan tindakan apapun yang ingin Anda lakukan dengan Pihak Sumber Daya Manusia untuk memastikan bahwa Anda berada di dasar hukum yang aman (khususnya, memiliki dokumentasi untuk membenarkan keputusan Anda). Anggap saja seperti ini: Anda tidak ingin menghabiskan dan menghilangkan begitu banyak waktu dengan alasan bahwa Anda tidak memiliki waktu untuk konseling, sehingga mengalihkan waktu Anda kepada karyawan lain dengan potensi yang lebih besar untuk peningkatannya atau mengalokasikan waktu Anda untuk pelatihan kepada karyawan biasa yang bisa menjadikannya lebih luar biasa. Selain itu, Anda tidak ingin mengalihkan perhatian Anda dari proyek yang sangat penting bagi departemen. Ingat, konseling tidak selalu berhasil untuk menyadarkan karyawan.

Sumber : Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring: How to Choose and Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence Stone

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Kamis, 20 September 2018

6 Ways to Become a Leader Everyone Adores

Nobody is born a perfect leader.
Like any skill, the ability to lead successfully has to be developed and nurtured. First-time managers, especially those with little or no training, may find it counterintuitive that the “script” they’ve relied upon until now — “My skills, my talents, and my technical knowledge have led to my success” — is no longer their ticket to success as new leaders.
In fact, sticking to the same script will actually make them less effective in their new roles.
Our research has found that effective new leaders actually talk to themselves differently than less effective ones, using second-person pronouns (like you and your) instead of first-person pronouns (like Ime, and my).
A natural, but less effective, script might be, “I’ve never been a manager before. How can I possibly do this?”
But a more constructive inner dialogue for a new manager is, “You have the ability to learn about leading others. You can be a great boss.”

New leaders must “flip their script” in the way they think and act in 6 key areas:
  1. Mindset
  2. Skillset
  3. Relationships
  4. Work Attitude
  5. Perspective
  6. Integrity
1.  Mindset: Start Learning Like a Leader.
As explained in the book Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For, successful first-time managers are able to flip their mindset from “being a great individual contributor” to “being a team leader who motivates others to succeed.”
Such leaders tend to have a more open approach to learning than those stuck in the individual contributor mindset. Their motivation to learn comes from a belief that learning is fun, exciting, and engaging, and that far outweighs a motivation of rewards, recognition, and impressing others.
2. Skillset: Build Skills for Team Success.
Effective leaders work on their skillset for team leadership:
  • Communicate with others the way they want to be communicated with. 
  • Influence others to move work forward and gain support for their decisions.
  • Build and lead teams successfully.
  • Develop others’ skills by assigning them challenging tasks and providing ongoing feedback.
Our research found that leaders who relied solely on the technical expertise that landed them their promotion were rated as less successful in their new leadership role.
3. Relationships: Make the Switch from BFF to Boss.
Successful first-time managers know moving from “best friend” to boss can be tricky; former coworkers and friends will view them differently once they are in a leadership position. They accept their new role and shift their relationships by:
  • Set clear expectations for friends and former coworkers.
  • Treat team members fairly, but not equally, giving bonuses and raises are based on merit, not favoritism.
  • Build high-quality relationships with their subordinates, even those they don’t “click” with.
  • Improve team cohesion by making roles and responsibilities clear and keeping track of each member’s progress.
Ineffective leaders have trouble making the switch from peer to boss because they haven’t flipped their script from focusing on personal relationships to focusing on the relationship they have with their team.
4. Work Attitude: Delegate — Don’t Do It All.
Productive leaders drive team results by delegating tasks. They set goals for their team members, and they give positive and negative feedback to help them develop.
“Do it all” bosses who haven’t flipped their script still define themselves by the amount of work they alone do.
By not delegating, they convey the message that they don’t trust their team to do a good job. Team members stagnate, productivity slows, and the organization suffers.
5. Perspective: See the Bigger Picture.
New leaders face an abrupt change of perspectivefrom “outsider” to “insider” when it comes to company politics. First-time managers who accept politics as a necessary part of the bigger picture of leadership tend to be more productive and satisfied with their jobs.
They work with the system by:
  • Gathering information about the thoughts, behaviors, and needs of coworkers and stakeholders.
  • Observing what is appropriate behavior for each situation and acting on it.
  • Connecting genuinely with a diverse group of people to gain new information and build support for their team’s — and stakeholders’ — goals.
New leaders who don’t expand their perspectives will likely view politics as a chore and won’t garner any of the benefits.
6. Integrity: Focus on What’s Right, Not What’s Easy.
With leadership comes responsibility — to act always based on what’s right, rather than what’s easy or self-serving. Strong leaders have flipped their focus from themselves to how their actions could affect their team, the organization, and everyone involved.
Developing integrity takes time and practice. We recommend:
  • Consider carefully: When making important decisions, ask, “What would Mom (or other important figures in your life) think about this?”
  • Be honest about what you can and can’t do — and when you can deliver.
  • Don’t let anything cloud your judgement: Not a relationship, time pressure, or monetary rewards. Take yourself out of the equation to fully understand the consequences of any decision.
New leaders who focus on integrity build trusting relationships with their team and are more likely to enjoy long-term success in their new roles.
Source : https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/6-ways-leader-everyone-wants-work/

Selasa, 18 September 2018

6 Ways to Succeed as a Leader

Want to stand out as a leader? Excel at skills where there is a strong need and weak capacity.
CCL recently analyzed data from 2,339 managers in 24 organizations in 3 countries to understand the leadership gap—the skills that organizations need but their leaders don’t have. Six key gaps were found:
  1. Inspiring commitment. Managers who recognize and reward employees’ achievements are able to inspire commitment from their subordinates. These managers publicly praise others for their performance, understand what motivates other people to perform at their best and provide tangible rewards for significant organizational achievements.
  1. Leading employees. Leaders who have good skills in directing and motivating people know how to interact with staff in ways that motivate them. They delegate to employees effectively, broaden employee opportunities, act with fairness toward direct reports and hire talented people for their teams.
  1. Strategic planning. This skill involves translating vision into realistic business strategies. Managers who are highly competent in this area typically articulate long-term objectives and strategies, develop plans that balance long-term goals with immediate needs, update plans to reflect changing circumstances and develop plans that contain contingencies for future changes.
  1. Change management. Skilled leaders have developed effective strategies for facilitating organizational change. Such a manager views change positively, adapts plans as necessary, manages others’ resistance to change, adapts to the changing external pressures facing the organization and involves others in the design and implementation of change. 
  1. Employee development. A manager skilled in the area of employee development usually coaches employees to improve performance, provides employees with guidance, encourages employees to develop careers and makes sure employees understand their roles.
  1. Self-awareness. This skill involves recognizing personal limits and strengths. Self-aware managers admit personal mistakes, learn from mistakes, seek ongoing feedback and know themselves well.
If you can sharpen your skills in these areas, you’ll improve your ability to address complex future challenges—and set yourself apart.
Source : https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/6-ways-to-succeed-as-a-leader/

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa Di Dalam Pelatihan

“Saya memutuskan untuk tidak lagi menyelengarakan pelatihan di perusahaan saya, karena saya tidak bisa melihat perubahan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari peserta pelatihan” ucap seorang CEO dari sebuah organisasi besar.
Ucapan dari CEO di atas sering kali terjadi di beberapa organisasi, sehingga membuat keputusasaan bagi manajemen organisasi dan berkesimpulan bahwa pelatihan hanyalah merupakan biaya yang menjadi beban organisasi dibandingkan sebuah investasi. Dalam menjalankan sebuah pelatihan, penggunaan metodologi pembelajaran yang sesuai akan sangat membantu efektifitas pembelajaran dari peserta pelatihan. Cara belajar orang dewasa tidak dapat disamakan dengan cara pembelajaran di sekolah maupun di universitas. Daya tahan dan penyerapan pengetahuan sangatlah berbeda sehingga tidak dapat disamakan.
Pembelajaran dan pelatihan yang diberikan ke setiap individu, khususnya orang dewasa perlu memperhatikan beberapa faktor yang dapat membantu setiap individu tertarik dan antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan yang diberikan. Berikut adalah sembilan faktor yang mendorong setiap individu agar antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dan menyerap ilmu yang disampaikan oleh fasilitator pelatihan.
Faktor pertama adalah space learning, yaitu pemberian jeda pada saat penyampaian materi ke setiap individu. Suatu pembelajaran perlu diberikan jeda antara satu bagian dengan bagian lainnya untuk memberikan waktu bagi otak untuk menyerap materi atau informasi yang diberikan. Faktor kedua adalah active learning. Pada saat memberikan pembelajaran ke setiap individu atau kelompok, diperlukan adanya komunikasi dua arah antara fasilitator pelatihan dengan peserta pelatihan. Peserta akan meningkatkan daya belajar mereka ketika dilibatkan secara aktif dalam pelatihan. Faktor selanjutnya yaitu pemberian feedback terhadap materi yang sedang dibahas ke peserta atau sebaliknya. Fasilitator pelatihan harus menganggap dirinya bukan sebagai seseorang yang mengetahui segala sesuatu terkait materi yang diberikan, tetapi harus bisa menerima masukan dari setiap peserta terkait materi yang disampaikan.
Overlearning merupakan faktor keempat yaitu pengulasan kembali terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan. Fasilitator pelatihan harus melakukan pengulasan materi yang telah disampaikan secara berkala setiap menyelesaikan suatu pembahasan. Hal ini akan meningkatkan daya serap dan daya ingat peserta pelatihan terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan. Selanjutnya, faktor kelima yaitu primacy and recency adalah pemberian rangkuman pelatihan saat pelatihan. Peserta pelatihan khususnya orang dewasa cenderung hanya mengingat materi yang disampaikan di awal dan di akhir pelatihan. Oleh karena itu materi yang bersifat penting sebaiknya ditempatkan di bagian awal dan bagian akhir pelatihan. Faktor keenam adalah reinforcement, yaitu pemberian dukungan yang positif, pujian atau motivasi terhadap respon apapun yang diberikan oleh peserta pelatihan terhadap materi yang dibahas.
Pembelajar dewasa cenderung akan secara langsung membandingkan apa yang mereka pelajari dengan pengalaman yang mereka miliki dan bertanya kepada diri mereka sendiri tentang manfaat yang dapat mereka peroleh dari pelatihan yang didapatkan saat itu. Sangatlah penting untuk dapat menunjukkan manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan terhadap pekerjaan mereka. Inilah yang merupakan faktor ketujuh yaitu meaningful material. Faktor ke delapan yaitu multiple sense of learning, yaitu penggunaan berbagai cara belajar (visual, audio dan kinestetik) yang mengakomodir berbagai preferensi cara belajar orang dewasa. Fasilitator pelatihan perlu memperhatikan tampilan materi yang diberikan (visual), penggunaan volume, intonasi, pelafalan yang baik (audio) dan penggunaan beragam aktivitas berupa simulasi peran atau praktek (kinestetik) dalam pelatihan. Faktor kesembilan atau faktor yang terakhir yaitu transfer of learning yaitu pemberian informasi yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang  dihadapi sehari-hari, sehingga konsep yang diberikan dapat diaplikasikan dengan mudah.
Dengan melakukan pelatihan yang berlandaskan kesembilan faktor diatas, organisasi telah menciptakan kondisi pelatihan yang menunjang terciptanya efektivitas dari pelatihan tersebut dan niscaya memperoleh manfaat yang maksimal atau imbal balik yang positif bagi pengembangan dan peningkatan kinerja individu dan organisasi.
Ivhan Sasmita
Sumber : http://www.knowcap.co.id/penerapan-metode-pembelajaran-orang-dewasa-di-dalam-pelatihan/

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018

Karakteristik Perilaku dari Pemimpin-Pemimpin SDM Sukses : Suatu Pandangan Subyektif oleh Alan R. May

Behavioral Characteristics of Highly Successful HR Leaders: A Subjective View by Alan R. May

The academic and popular management literature is replete with observations on leadership competencies. However, there are few references to the personal behaviors associated with success within any particular functional discipline. Indeed, we typically encounter a fixed (and often long) list of behavioral attributes that, in total, define “leadership” in the view of the author.

As HR practitioners, we tend to apply leadership behavioral definitions at either a broad organizational or specific job level. Across large, complex organizations, we use these lists to select a subset of attributes that define preferred leadership behaviors. In turn, the HR function will infuse these behavioral attributes into the selection, training, development, and assessment systems throughout an organization as a means to define and align a corporate culture. At a job level, it is also common to find a set of “leadership competencies” advanced as predictive of success in a given role. HR functions will often apply competency assessments in the selection process to increase the odds that a candidate will experience success in their new assignment.

Within the HR functional discipline, many organizations maintain “HR competencies” that are applied at all levels of HR functional practice. A number of HR professional associations, including SHRM, HRCI and CIPD, are refining HR competency models to include personal behaviors in the mix of success elements for HR practitioners. Ask any chief human resources officer—and even many CEOs—and you will hear about the requirements of knowing the business, delivering HR service excellence, and change management as descriptors of HR excellence. However, far fewer organizations have defined the distinctive personal behaviors that are indicative of highly successful HR practitioners. I would like to advance an admittedly subjective list of personal attributes that may be of value to organizations as they evolve their HR competency models or to aspiring HR professionals as they develop their careers.

My experience and observations over 30 years of HR practice suggest that there are six discernible behavioral traits of successful HR leaders. Across a career that began with an HR internship in state government and continued to a CHRO role and beyond, I have held HR generalist and specialist assignments at every organizational level. I have also had the privilege of leading HR teams ranging from a personal assistant sitting outside my office to hundreds of HR professionals deployed globally.

Moreover, my professional experiences to date have enabled me to work with perhaps more than 1,000 business leaders—from front-line supervisors to CEOs— across numerous industries, including manufacturing, consumer products, and financial services. Therefore, the recognition of these six behavioral attributes has been informed by the views of countless business professionals across industrial categories, functional disciplines, and organizational hierarchy.

In my experience, the following six personal characteristics are resident within highly successful HR leaders: intellectual curiosity, simplicity, empathy, courage, dynamic range, and grit. While one might argue that most, if not all, of these characteristics are essential in any leader, I have seen these six in combination differentiate true excellence from mere competency in the HR practitioner. Furthermore, I have witnessed that these personal traits are evident despite the strong forces that corporate culture tends to impose on defining preferred behaviors in any given organization. Let me take a moment to define each, as applied to the unique role HR plays within an organization and the impact the function can have on both the enterprise and individuals.

Intellectual curiosity
This personal characteristic can be seen as an obvious prerequisite for success in just about anything in life. While that might be true, intellectual curiosity is also the spark that drives an HR professional to both know the business cold and develop effective relationships. The intellectually curious HR professional asks the second or third question to explore core assumptions, proposes alternatives or new models in decision-making discussions, and helps others connect the dots between objective facts and behavioral observations.

A highly inquisitive mind enables an HR professional, especially in a generalist role, to explore all facets of the value chain within an enterprise. In turn, the insights developed in an unrelenting quest to understand a given business model are applied in the form of HR expertise and recommendations that transform organizational performance. In addition, this behavioral trait is the basis for developing deep interpersonal relationships within the workplace. Through intellect and genuine interest in others, outstanding HR professionals also develop an expanding network of enduring and reciprocal relationships that allow them to get complex work “done done” through others.

Most “customers” of HR services—line managers, individual employees, corporate directors, or third parties such as unions or regulators—are so engaged in their day jobs that they have a limited share of mind for HR processes, procedures, policies, or practices. Human resources is a highly complex field of practice; ask any line leader about three months after they have accepted an HR position as a supposed developmental assignment!

A highly successful HR leader makes the complex simple, without compromising functional integrity or organizational impact. Simplicity in HR practice is one hallmark of functional excellence. As Albert Einstein so eloquently stated, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This is as true for an HR generalist coaching a first-level supervisor as for a benefits director explaining the operational dynamics and financial implications of a pension plan. The demonstration of simplicity is not about “dumbing down” the function; it is about capturing the essence of what an end-user really needs from HR to meet a specific organizational or individual need.

Several years ago, I worked with a mid-level executive in a large consumer products company who was seeking a new HR manager from a number of highly qualified internal candidates. As the head of the function, I knew all of the candidates and suspected that we would face a difficult choice to select the best individual for a role that supported hundreds of front-line employees.

As we prepared to conduct our interviews, I asked the executive what would be the most heavily weighted criteria among several I had advanced to guide the process. He responded that all those criteria were important, but that I had missed a key behavioral attribute which, in his experience, enabled HR professionals to excel within his business unit: empathy. His logic was simple: “Leaders come to work each day and spend their time with either people or things. Great leaders spend the majority of their time with people because people get things done. Without this investment of time—the most precious of all resources in an organization—a leader will never develop the empathy for those he or she leads.”

He was particularly insistent about the demonstration of empathy in an HR leader. “It’s not enough to get the fundamentals and transactions correct and to have a foundation in behavioral science. I expect my HR leader to provide genuine insights regarding every individual within the organization I lead,” he told me. Exceptional HR professionals at all levels go beyond expertise in behavioral sciences. They demonstrate empathy as they inform and inspire others to provide individual support, align teams, manage conflict, and lead change.

Let me provide a simple example of the power of empathy. Early in my career I was an HR generalist in a large, unionized distribution facility. Frankly, morale in the plant was very low and the HR team at times seemed to thrive on creating an adversarial relationship with the union and, by extension, with the workforce at large.

One day a front-line employee who had worked at the site for more than 40 years walked into the HR office seeking help in understanding her retirement options.

This employee was well known to all throughout the site for being highly vocal in her negative opinions regarding management practices. One of the HR representatives offered to spend a few minutes with her to explain the nuances of the pension plan. Minutes soon turned into a few hours, subsequent one-on-one meetings, and ultimately a joint visit to the local Social Security Administration office to resolve some paperwork issues as the HR representative assisted her with an application for federal benefits.

Despite the fact that this was one HR professional working with a lone employee among hundreds at the site, the empathy demonstrated in support of a long-service employee “went viral” well before the era of social media. In fact, the HR team was so inspired by its representative’s demonstration of empathy that the team decided to change its employee support processes from more “high tech” to much more “high touch.” This was just one of many changes inspired by this empathetic behavior that, over time, not only improved morale (as reflected in employee surveys) but led to greater workforce productivity and more amicable relationships with the union.

Even the most open and progressive organization can be a tough place to work as an HR professional. Whether they are navigating interpersonal conflicts, team dynamics, ethical dilemmas, a union negotiation, or a workplace crisis, HR professionals often must demonstrate courage to be successful. At its best, courage in this context goes beyond merely expressing a dissenting view at a business meeting or confronting the dysfunctional behavior of an executive, manager, or employee. It is the personal conviction to say and do what you believe is right — adopting a fact-based, objective demeanor in the heat of battle.

Courage in an HR role can be as seemingly trivial as insisting that a manager continue to search for a better candidate rather than accepting an average candidate just to get the job filled quickly. Or it can be as profound as overtly opposing a short-term tactic, like forcing high levels of overtime, that will inevitably sap morale and actually reduce productivity in the long term. In extreme instances, a courageous position can cost an HR leader their job. However, in most instances it inspires others to advance the debate on a given issue and ultimately to make a balanced decision.

Dynamic range
Life within a large, complex organization can be a bit like theater. There are moments when the script calls for gravitas and others that may invite levity—all in the same day. HR professionals may be called upon to inspire thousands of employees with their passion and creativity while delivering what may be a relatively dry topic. At the same time, HR professionals need to master the art of the “quiet conversation” as they coach, cajole, or otherwise guide superiors, peers, and subordinates through matters that are often quite personal.

My experience suggests that the extent of this range needs to be as broad among CHROs as entry-level HR representatives. Ultimately the personal expression of a broad dynamic range is all about having the desired impact on groups or individuals in a fast-paced workplace where most communication is conducted via email and social media. The expression of a broad dynamic range is not manipulative if done in a genuine manner. Highly effective HR leaders can flex their emotions across a continuum of situational, cross-cultural, or topical variations.

Success often comes from doing the same mundane things longer and better than anyone else, well after others have lost patience or given up in frustration. Perhaps the best example of this behavior among HR professionals is in the area of driving long-term organizational change. Within HR, we often get excited about particular “change models” or methodologies for aligning organizations against a given business strategy. While many business leaders across all functions seem to enjoy defining these strategies and formulating plans, more often than not these leaders stray from the intended course not too long after an exhilarating offsite or dynamic board review.

Great HR leaders recognize that it takes months if not years to produce sustainable business results within an enterprise. This is a matter of functional discipline that at times can get labeled as overly bureaucratic or process-driven. However, it takes grit to stay the course, remind the team of the required actions, and drive the communications and processes necessary to achieve the economic or organizational strategic intent.

Another example of grit in the HR profession is the tenacity of holding to a vital policy objective or management principle. Often HR leaders are called upon tosustain strategic distinctions in policy or practice despite intense pressure to do otherwise. Examples of “HR grit” can be found when organizations conduct mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures, during collective bargaining negotiations, or in the annual review of compensation and benefits levels.

In conclusion
There may be other behavioral attributes that can be observed across a broad population of highly successful HR professionals. And any personal qualities brought to the role must augment the core requirements of HR functional depth, business savvy, and analytical skills to ensure success. However, I have found that exercising intellectual curiosity, simplicity, empathy, courage, dynamic range, and grit in the workplace will differentiate the truly great from the merely adequate among HR professionals.

I readily admit that I have struggled with demonstrating each of these behavioral markers throughout every aspect of my career. However, I find the list useful in self-assessment, often as I debrief a given situation, interaction, or initiative. And I would invite leaders to reexamine the HR competencies within their organizations and consider adding the six behavioral elements that ultimately define excellence within the function. Further, I would challenge those aspiring to a long-term career as an HR professional to assess their behavioral strengths against this list and to seek opportunities to demonstrate these traits as they maximize the impact of HR within their organizations.

Alan R. May

Alan R. May is vice president of Boeing Commercial Airplanes’ human resources organization. Previously, he served as vice president of HR for Boeing Defense, Space & Security and as vice president of strategy, compensation, and benefits for the Boeing Company. In this capacity, he directed HR strategy, executive and enterprise compensation, health care policy, and retirement benefits for the company. Prior to joining Boeing, May served as chief talent and HR officer for Cerberus Capital Management, a leading private equity firm based in New York, and held a number of global HR and business integration roles during a 15-year career at PepsiCo, culminating with an assignment as senior vice president of HR for the rapidly growing Quaker, Tropicana, and Gatorade division. Prior to PepsiCo, May held HR and general management roles at Caterpillar and TRW. May serves as a trustee of the Ravinia Festival and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, and sits on the corporate advisory board for the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He also is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago, the Human Resources Policy Association, and the University of Illinois Foundation. May holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in labor and industrial relations from the University of Illinois.

E-book The Rise of HR - Wisdom from 73 Thought Leaders by HR Certification Institute (2015)

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Tertipu Jawaban Wawancara Kandidat Karyawan

Bukti Bahwa Otak Kita Mudah Tertipu Jawaban Wawancara Kandidat Karyawan

Oleh : Guruh Taufan
- Pakar Analisa Komunikasi Verbal & Non Verbal
- Penulis Buku Statement Analysis - Pendeteksi Kebohongan Paling Dahsyat

Seringkali otak kita terpukau dengan jawaban yang indah dan logis, padahal belum tentu jawabannya sesuai dengan makna yang sebenarnya. Di dalam sebuah wawancara kerja, terjadi sebuah dialog :

Interviewer : Apakah Anda lebih senang bekerja seorang diri atau dalam tim?
Kandidat : “Bergantung pada pekerjaan yang harus saya selesaikan. Tentu saja saya dapat bekerja dalam tim.”

Analisis Jawaban Kandidat : “Bergantung pada pekerjaan yang harus saya selesaikan" -> ada sisi lain jawaban yg sebenarnya dipilih oleh Kandidat. Artinya Kandidat masih memilih pekerjaan yang dilakukan seorang diri."

"Tentu saja saya dapat bekerja dalam tim.” --> dapat bekerja dalam tim tidak sama dengan senang bekerja dalam tim, artinya Kandidat justru menegaskan bahwa dirinya lebih memilih bekerja sendiri.

Kandidat ini tidak melakukan direct answer (jawaban langsung) pada pertanyaan interviewer, karena ada pertanyaan yang dianggap sensitif oleh Kandidat.

Di dalam interview membutuhkan suatu keahlian yang mengupas kata-kata atau kalimat sehingga dapat mengetahui makna-makna yang tersirat. Keahlian ini dikenal dengan Statement Analysis. Statement Analysis telah digunakan oleh Jerman sejak tahun 1954 untuk mengungkap berbagai macam kasus kriminal. Statement Analysis juga digunakan oleh FBI untuk melatih para agen-agennya agar handal dalam melakukan wawancara maupun interogasi.

"What you see, what you hear, nothing is what it seems"
- Apa yang Anda lihat, Anda dengar, tidak seperti yang tampak

Saya akan bantu Anda untuk mendalami ilmu di atas.
Silahkan hubungi :

Ringga Arie Suryadi
WhatsApp 085852316552

Testimoni Customer Buku Statement Analysis - Pendeteksi Kebohongan Paling Dahsyat

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Evolusi HR dan Berbenah Diri

“The more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.” (John Russell)

HR TERUS BERBENAH sesuai tuntutan zaman. Paling tidak dalam separoh abad yang lalu, HR sudah mengalami 4 tahap evolusi. Ini terjadi karena tuntutan perubahaan yang harus ditanggapi oleh bisnis secara serius, yang juga berdampak pada perubahan pendekatan dari berbagai termasuk HR.
Karena itu para praktisi HR hendaknya terus mengupdate dirinya untuk bisa terus eksis dan memberikan peran yang masih terus dianggap dan diterima oleh bisnis. Foto berikut ini memperlihatkan gaya Dave Ulrich dalam sesi yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta baru-baru ini, yang ngakunya bukan ngajarin tapi mengajak peserta untuk “belajar bersama.”

Waves of HR dari Dave Ulrich
Dalam perjalanan HR sejak dini, atau setidaknya dalam separoh abad terakhir, telah terjadi 4 (empat) Gelombang Evolusi HR (sumber buku Dave Ulrich, “HR from Outside In”):
  1. Gelombang Pertama: HR Administration, di mana fokus utamanya adalah administrasi dan transaksi ketenaga-kerjaan. Walaupun fokus utama adalah administrasi, tapi HR juga menjalankan training, talent planning dan lain-lain.
  2. Gelombang Kedua: Functional Expertise, yakni fokus pada design innovative HR Practices di fungsi utama seperti: sourcing, compensation & benefit, learning, communication, dan lain-lain. Pada tahap ini, banyak perusahaan melihat kebutuhan untuk membangun training center untuk program training, sebagai komitmen untuk pengembangan para leaders. Efektivitas pekerjaan HR di tahap ini terletak pada inovasi dan integrasi berbagai praktek HR. Sementara itu, kredibilitas HR terletak pada kemampuan mengimplementasi berbagai HR best practices.
  3. Gelombang Ketiga: HR Strategy. Pada tahap ini fokus utamanya adalah pada menghubungkan individu dan HR Practices dengan sukses bisnis, melalui Strategic HR. Benang merah dibuat untuk menghubungkan HR dengan strategi atau tujuan bisnis. Bahkan dalam talent management misalnya, akan mencakup kontribusi talent terhadap Culture dan Leadership. Keterkaitan fokus HR dengan bisnis ini akan menjadikan tugas HR efektif. Dan kredibilitas HR terletak pada kemampuannya untuk membangun dialog tentang Strategi Bisnis dan HR.
  4. Gelombang Keempat: HR from Outside In. Praktek HR pada tahap ini merupakan tanggapan terhadap kondisi bisnis di sekitarnya. Jadi melakukan HR alignment strategy dalam konteks bisnis dan para stakeholders.
Walaupun suatu perusahaan sudah berada pada tahap 4, tiga keutamaan di tahap sebelumnya hendaknya terus dilakukan secara prima: Administrasi HR mengalir lancar; praktek HR hendaknya innovative dan integrated, dan HR hendaknya mampu menerjemahkan aspirasi strategic ke dalam kegiatan HR.

Menjaga Balanced 6 Paradox
Seberapa pun rapihnya konsep yang disusun, Dave mengetengahkan berbagai tantangan dalam implementasinya, terutama bila kita ingin mempertimbangkan keseimbangan dari berbagai aspek seperti diagram di bawah ini. Menjaga keseimbangan ini akan turut menentukan bentuk response dari HR. (Sumber buku Dave Ulrich, “HR from Outside In”)

Pertanyaan tentang seberapa besar porsi fokus pada bisnis atau people, administrasi atau strategy, eksternal dan internal focus, dan lain-lain. Tidak ada statistic yang memperlihatkan kesempurnaan. Namun demikian, ilustrasi di atas, yang akan menjadi bahan refleksi, akan terus membuat kita menganalisa, di mana fokus kita seharusnya pada saat tertentu berdasarkan kepentingan bisnis yang dirancang berdasarkan tuntutan dari berbagai stakehoders.

Values Perusahaan untuk Siapa??
Selama ini kita mengenal prinsip pada waktu menyusun Values, berdasarkan pertanyaan:  “What we want to be known for, by external world?,” itu sudah bagus tapi belum cukup. Dave Ulrich menyarankan agar kita membawa Values tersebut dan tanyakan kepada external stakeholders, misalnya kepada 2-3 key customers:
  • Are these values you want us to have?
  • What do we do to show you that we live those values?
  • When you see that we really live those values, do you buy more from us??
Pendekatan seperti ini memberikan kita kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan Values atau aspek HR lainnya dari perspektif customer, atau juga stakeholders luar lainnya. Untuk bisa melakukan ini semua, HR Professionalsperlu bertanya untuk refleksi pada diri sendiri:
  • Apakah saya sudah melihat Organisasi kami dengan menggunakan kacamata customersinvestorssuppliersregulators dan external stakeholders lainnya??
  • Apakah saya sadar akan kondisi bisnis umumnya di sekitar kita, yang bisa memberikan dampak pada industri dan organisasi kita?
  • Apakah saya meluangkan waktu bersama external stakeholders?
  • Apakah saya juga melakukan alignment, antara tugas-tugas HR dengan harapan external stakeholders?
External Customer Menginterview Calon GM
Mengakhiri sesi Dave Ulrich sore itu, sempat dihadirkan Richard Joost Lino, Direktur Utama Pelindo II. Beliau membagi pengalaman mereka dalam men-drive pengelolaan SDM. Secara gamblang beliau mengutarakan pendapatnya bahwa transformasi di bidang HR hanya bisa dilakukan dengan berhasil kalau driver utamanya adalah orang nomor satu di Perusahaan itu.
Karena pada level itu dapat ditarik garis keterkaitan akan inisiatif tersebut dengan berbagai tuntutan perubahan bisnis karena tuntutan berbagai stakeholders. Salah satu yang dikisahkan adalah proses rekruitmen top leaders. Pelindo barusan menunjuk GM. Mereka meminta dua key customers untuk mewawancarai calon yang diidentifikasi oleh tim Perusahaan, untuk memberikan pandangan apakah profile calon ini sesuai dengan pandangan key customers tentang seorang GM Pelindo. Ini merupakan salah satu contoh nyata praktek “HR from OUTSIDE In”.

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” (Peter Drucker)

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